20.08.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 5

F. Nigmatova , S. Sharipova , Z. Xaqnazarova

Abstract. Today, the highly competitive fashion industry moves at lightning speed. A variety of denim models, cuts and finishes can easily support any chosen style of clothing. Analyzing the rich cultural history of denim can provide clues to future trends. As part of the study of this area, the scientific works of scientists from foreign countries such as Bangladesh, India, the USA, Turkey, Korea, China and Russia were analyzed. Basic applications were identified in which denim or its appearance is used most often: environmental, industrial (object) design, art design and graphic design Designers around the world are busy looking for new ideas in various areas of design (be it industrial products, , furniture or advertising), firstly, to match the times and progress, and secondly, to create new products in various interesting styles and shapes. This article summarizes the key issues for a high quality product that affect the design and style of denim products. It discusses different developments of designers in different directions.

Keywords: fashion, culture, brand, denim, yarn, design, model, quality, technology, finishing, printing, effect.