29.07.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 4

F. Temirova

Abstract. Nonverbal communication plays an important role in the process of communication, and choosing the right tool during the conversation is important in increasing the effectiveness of the speech. In studying this type of communication, the sciences of psychology, cultural studies, and sociology are also important. After all, when expressing an opinion about an event, people first approach based on their worldview, their position in society, and the environment in which they live, which indicates that the above disciplines are inextricably linked with linguistics. We know that linguistics consists of several departments, and each department deals with the study of the structure of speech in a specific process.

Keywords: paralinguistics, nonverbal communication, intonation, pause, acoustics, voice timbre, phonation, kinetic, graphic, proxemic, visual, tactile.