16.07.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 1 Issue 4

G. Sattikulova, I. Turgunboev, M. Ergasheva

Abstract. It is important to analyze macroeconomic indicators, identify a number of problems in the development of the national economy of the country, find the necessary ways to solve these problems and ensure the further development of the country's economy. It is known that with the development of the economy, various changes occur in its structure. As a result of the application of new technologies in production, the demand for the products of some industries and sectors will decrease, while the demand for modern products will increase. This requires certain changes in the composition of the entire workforce. As a result, the reduction or complete disappearance of the demand for workers of certain professions or specialties forces them to change their occupation and specialties or move to places where demand for such professions remains. Unemployment until they learn a new profession and specialty or move to another place and get a new job is called structural unemployment. Structural unemployment lasts longer than frictional unemployment and requires more specific costs. It is very necessary to predict several of these macroeconomic indicators. This article discusses several key macroeconomic indicators.

Keywords: forecasting, indicators, turnover, export, import, society, consumption, income, investment.