28.04.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 3 Issue 4

Karshieva Yanglish Abduvalievna

Abstract. Ahmad Yassawi, a man who knew and comprehended wisdom, understood how to be a real person in the true sense of the word, gain peace of mind and began to strive for spiritual perfection. Although a number of scientific studies have been conducted in our country about the life and work of Ahmad Yassawi, there have been no specific studies of the psychological aspects of his mystical views. Despite the fact that the Kubrowia Current originated in Central Asia and has spread widely throughout different countries of the world, the Kubrowia Current has not yet been fully studied. Ahmed Yassawi is a great man who is an example to the whole world with his extraordinary zeal and determination in the pursuit of knowledge, courage in the path of truth, patriotism and generosity. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully examine his life path and spiritual heritage, and we have focused on these aspects in this article.

Keywords: wisdom of Ahmad Yassawi, views of Eastern thinkers, “Devoni Hikmat”, human psychology, peace of mind, spiritual perfection