10.07.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 1 Issue 3

D. Usmonova , Sh. Akhmadjonov

Abstract. The purpose of this article is to look into the blending process in English. The research investigates the orthographic and phonemic structure of blends on the basis of a quick overview of many prior classificatory studies a quantitative foundation. And also this work is about a morphological process in English known as (lexical) blending. Blending is a common and productive method of word construction that can be defined as follows: Blending is the process of creating a new lexeme by combining elements of at least two existing source words, one of which is shortened in the fusion and/or the source words have some type of phonemic or graphemic overlap.

Keywords: blends, lexeme, combination, shortening words, mixing, creating phrases.