31.03.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 3 Issue 3

Nurkosimova Surayyo Xoljigit kizi

Abstract. This paper explores the digitization process of accounting practices, identifying key issues and challenges encountered during the implementation of digital technologies within corporate and organizational accounting systems. The authors examine the current state and potential capabilities of digitization in accounting, evaluating the impact of new technologies on the quality and efficiency of accounting processes. The study discusses examples of successful digital tool applications in accounting and outlines the main directions for future development in this field. Special attention is given to data security aspects, the problems associated with integrating digital systems with existing accounting procedures, and the necessity of enhancing professionals' skills to operate in the new digital environment

Keywords: accounting digitization, challenges in implementing digital technologies, future prospects of accounting, efficiency of accounting processes, data security in accounting, integration of digital systems, professional qualifications in accounting, technological innovations in accounting.