27.03.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 3 Issue 3

Makhmudova Khurmat Mukhtorovna

Abstract. This article states that the Constitution is the main law of the state and it defines the structure of the state, the system of authorities and governing bodies, their authority and the order of their formation, the electoral system, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the relationship between society and the individual, as well as the judicial system and the state and society. about the fact that it is the most important factor that determines mutual relations and that working in the interests of the people is the most important source that determines the superiority of the human factor over everything else, as well as The new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted necessity and importance of doing It is a vital necessity arising from the evolutionary development of the society of Uzbekistan , and this work is an extremely important issue for us to determine our next steps as a country, a nation and a people . our achievements, in particular, the removal of hundreds of restrictions in the fields of economy, human rights, justice, freedom of speech and religion, social protection, solving problems in cash, currency, credit issues, 25 years between us and our neighbors about the adoption due to the need to ensure the constitutional protection of the “melt of the ice” and other positive actions, and about the adoption of the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the comprehensive measures to convey and explain its meaning and importance to the general public important strategic and statistical information on the implementation, opinions, as well as suggestions and recommendations in ensuring the priority and implementation of the Constitution and laws issues are described.

Keywords: constitution, Amir Temur, “Constitutions”, Supreme Council, Constitutional Commission, constitutional reform, “man - society – state”, “Rule of Miranda”, “Habeas corpus”, Family institute , Privatization, Pedagogue, Third Renaissance, Referendum, sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state, supreme legal power, direct, Privilege, “Street law”, “My Constitution!” , the People's Constitution