22.03.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 3 Issue 3

Kadirov Validzhon Abdurakhmonovich, Zumradkhan Astanova Tokhirovna

Abstract. Jas music has a special meaning in the lives of blind people, the role of this art form in the education and upbringing of children born and living with such a fate is incomparable. The fact that this issue is receiving attention at the government level, and the fact that the President has created a legal framework in separate documents, places responsibility on teaching staff. Although there is some experience at the world level, there is a lack of music education for the blind in our country's education, in particular, the teaching of Braille notation. In most cases, lessons are based on auditory learning. This article consists of ten points based on the priority, role and significance of music for teachers and educators working in specialized boarding schools "Nurli Maskan" and music teachers in teaching blind and visually impaired children. Based on a special decision of the President of our country, the uniqueness of music education in these schools, the content of the activities of music teachers and other aspects that should be paid attention to are highlighted. It is recommended to use music and singing not only in music lessons, but also in other subjects and academic subjects taught in these schools in an integrated manner.

Keywords: music, pedagogy, Nurli Maskan schools, Braille, education, education of the blind, integration.