01.03.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 3 Issue 2

Ravshanov is the son of Sabir Abdimalik

Abstract. In this article, covering the period of development of the science of psychology in Uzbekistan from ancient times to the present day, effective scientific work was carried out during these periods, and the need to develop principles within the science in order to make scientific work effective, in this regard The work contains extensive information about the views advanced by thinkers who created in Central Asia in the 9th-18th centuries, changes in the field of psychology in the 20th-21st centuries, scientific works, and scientists who contributed to the development of science. Also, the main object of our article is the introduction of the science of psychology to our country, a brief summary of the results of the research of thinkers who created the first psychological views.

Keywords: development of psychology, scientific schools, science, development, knowledge, psyche, history of psychology, consciousness, thinking, mental process.