07.02.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 3 Issue 2

Djumamurotov Bekzod Akramdjanovich, Nabikhanova Aselya Davletovna

Abstract. ISO/IES 17025 sets general requirements for the competence of laboratories and organizations performing testing and calibration. This standard plays an important role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of results obtained in laboratories by establishing a quality management system, personnel requirements, measurement methods and traceability of measurements. Compliance with ISO/IES 17025 helps demonstrate the laboratory's competence and increases confidence in its results. This standard is of great importance to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained in laboratories. It promotes the establishment of high standards of competence and independence, which in turn guarantees the quality of laboratory work. This approach is necessary to ensure confidence in the obtained analytical and test results

Keywords: ISO/IEC 17025 standard, accreditation, laboratory, calibration, technical assessment.