31.01.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 3 Issue 1

Mukumova Dilafruz Ziyodulloyevna

Abstract. In clause it is a question of genre and art features of lyrics so-called «musaddas» Alisher Navai's World which is written in the Persian language. At Navai such poems it was not kept in the Uzbek language and it is unique showing talent of the great poet on similar sorts of a genre of lyrics. But musaddas has the old tradition. And used Navai under pseudonym Foni musaddas it has been written by the request of tsar Husajna Bojkary which in it is eulogized a figure and a way of life of this check. The author, assorting musaddas Foni has opened its poetic values and has shown its place in creativity of the great poet

Keywords: literature, lyrical and epic genres, musaddas, ghazal, lyrical emotion, lyrical character, creativity, hymn Persian language, content, romantic melody, occupation, traditional form, allusions, exaggeration, melody, attitude, life content, realistic thoughts, exclamation