30.01.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 3 Issue 1

Dilnoza Umurzakova Davranbekovna, Khusnida Arabbayeva Arabbayevna

Abstract. This article describes that these devices also differ in terms of their effect on the reader or listener. Some devices, such as anaphora and epiphora, create a sense of rhythm and repetition, while others, such as chiasmus and antimetabole, create a sense of balance and symmetry. Some devices, such as epizeuxis and diacope, create a sense of urgency or emphasis, while others, such as gradation and epanalepsis, create a sense of progression or climax. And also the importance of understanding the differences between these rhetorical devices in order to use them effectively in writing or speaking is highlighted. By choosing the right device for the desired effect and using it in the appropriate location within a sentence or clause, writers and speakers can create powerful and memorable messages that resonate with their audience

Keywords: language elements, mental images, stylistics, creative