28.01.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 3 Issue 1

Rasulova N.F., Azamatova F.А.

Abstract. In today's world of intensive development of the economy and social complex of activities, great importance and special attention is paid to issues of health and spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. The main link in this work is the family, because it is here that a person is formed as an individual, and the family is the keeper of centuries-old national traditions and the experience of folk pedagogy. Human health is directly formed in the family and affects all aspects of society as a whole. The formation of a healthy family lifestyle will lead to an improvement in the quality of life of the population, strengthening the health of the population through the protection of motherhood and childhood, reducing child and maternal mortality, which is achieved through family planning.

Keywords: formation, healthy lifestyle, family, improvement, quality, life, population, strengthening, health.