11.01.2024 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 3 Issue 1

Sobirov Ravshanbek Khasanovich

Abstract. The heightened interest in the comparative study of languages among Soviet linguists is explained by the increased role of the Russian language in our multinational country and throughout the world, the process of bringing nations and nationalities closer together, and the desire to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages. languages, the inclusion in the curriculum of universities that train teachers in foreign languages of a discipline called “comparative typology of native and foreign languages”, the introduction of the principle of referring to the facts of the native language when developing methods for teaching a non-native language.

Keywords: typology, features of word formation in English and Uzbek languages, Development and methods of replenishing the vocabulary of the language, national and cultural specifics of complex words expressing the appearance and character of a person in the English and Uzbek languages