18.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 12

Shopulotova Zarina Abdumuminovna, Kobilova Zarina Khamzaevna, Shopulotov Shokhrukh Asliddinovich

Abstract. Pregnancy is manifested by a host of changes in a woman’s body, and changes in the urinary system are no exception. But the line between normality and pathology still remains; the vast majority of authors directly or indirectly associate the development of urination disorders in reproductive age with pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the frequency and nature of urinary disorders during pregnancy to identify significant risk factors. Pregnant women who applied to the multidisciplinary clinic of SamSMU with urinary disorders in 2022-2023 were examined

Keywords: urinary dysfunction, urinary incontinence, pregnancy, reproductive age, body mass index (BMI), overactive bladder (OAB).