17.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 12

Rabbimova Yulduz Karshibayevna

Abstract. Technology has the potential to significantly change education. It may support the development of positive connections between teachers and students, rethink how we collaborate and learn, close long-standing gaps in equality and accessibility, and modify curricula to better suit the needs of all students. The years 2019 to 2022 saw a technological advancement due to the use of scientific platforms and the creation of virtual interactive lectures. Universities also started to develop scientific platforms and hold virtual workshops and seminars. The primary idea behind technology-based education is to enable students to get knowledge from the internet whenever they need it. This enables students who find it difficult to learn with books, as well as pupils who are differently abled, by allowing them to learn through the use of gadgets or software

Keywords: technologies, web-based technologies, education system, e-learning, blended-learning, advantages of e-learning