16.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 12

Shopulotova Zarina Abdumuminovna, Bazarova Fariza Ravshanovna, Temirova Riskiyabonu Nazirjonovna

Abstract. Studying the interaction between gestational pyelonephritis and pregnancy is important due to the high percentage of obstetric complications, negative perinatal outcomes and serious diseases in newborns, which emphasize the medical and socioeconomic importance of the problem. In chronic pyelonephritis, pregnancy is complicated by iron deficiency anemia (35-70%), premature termination of pregnancy at various times (15-20%), chronic placental insufficiency (30-35%), preeclampsia (35-70%). 30-40% causes complications such as chronic uterine hypoxia (30-40%), fetal infection (20-30%) and growth retardation (12-15%). In chronic pyelonephritis, the ability of pregnant mothers to adapt to newborns is significantly impaired and the risk of early neonatal death increases

Keywords: gestational pyelonephritis, treatment, premature birth, nephrostoma