16.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 12

Shopulotova Zarina Abdumuminovna, Mahmudjonova Sitorabonu Rustamovna, Djumayev Mukhammadjon Djasurovich

Abstract. With the increase in the frequency of cesarean sections, as well as with the improvement in the quality and spread of ultrasound diagnostics, the quality of uterine scar examination has steadily increased from year to year. In recent years, in the literature and at gynecological conferences of the highest level, more and more attention has been paid to such a concept as “niches” in the area of the cesarean section scar. The defect appears as a fluid-filled abnormality in the anterior wall of the uterus at the site of a previous cesarean section. The niche most often has the shape of a triangle, sometimes a “bag” until the scar becomes incompetent, when the entire thickness of the uterine wall has separated and the “niche” is covered by the vesicouterine fold

Keywords: "Niche" symptom, cesarean section, thinning of the myometrium, uterine, scar, ultrasound examination, hysteroscopy, binary logistic regression