15.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 12

Yuldashev Sh.U., Rakhimova Sh.M

Abstract. The thermal conductivity of zinc oxide-polymethyl methacrylate ( PMMA ) composites was measured . Using theoretical models, the thermal resistance values of ZnO-NW/PMMA interfaces ( NW—nanowire ) were estimated. And critical radius particles, higher whom Maybe promotion thermal conductivity composite. On basis these measurements determined addiction thermal conductivity nanowires zinc oxide from them diameter

Keywords: thermal conductivity of zinc oxide-polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) composites, thermal resistance of ZnO-NW/PMMA interfaces (NW - nanowire), critical radius of particles, dependence of the thermal conductivity of zinc oxide nanowires on their diameter