04.07.2022 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 1 Issue 3

S. Ilimbayev

Abstract. Currently, the range of issues on the settlement of liability arising for causing harm is significantly increasing. The concept of the obligation arising from the infliction of harm is not defined in civil legislation. However, this concept is explicitly given in the chapter of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on obligations arising from harm, that harm caused to a person or property of a citizen as a result of unlawful action (inaction), as well as damage caused to a legal entity, including lost profits, are subject to compensation by the person who caused the harm, in in full. This article analyzes a number of problems that cause this responsibility, and gives their solution based on the norms of civil legislation and the opinions of scientists.

Keywords: inaction, tort obligation, injury, liability, force majeure, recourse claim, moral damage, compensation, mental suffering, physical pain