12.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 12

Rahmatov Xudoyor Boboniyozovich, Fayzullaev Normurot Ibodullaevich, Makhamov Bakhrom Azimjonovich, Rakhmatov Doniyor Khudayoroviovich, Ismoilova Nozima Farxod qizi, Omonqulov Sarvarjon Toshtemir o‘g‘li

Abstract. A method for obtaining a highly dispersed mesoporous artificially obtained aluminosilicate X based on the crystallization of a natural aluminosilicate with a highly active methacaoline structure in a solution of sodium metasilicate at a temperature of 96-98 ° C. Calculations show that at a temperature of 30 ° C and an initial mass or volume of sodium oxide of 120 g/l, the maximum amount of dissolved aluminum and silicon (IV) oxides is 2.4 and 20, respectively, of their content in methacaoline with high activity. Mesoporous artificially obtained aluminosilicate X-components of high hardness and phase purity are converted from reaction mixtures into solids:(2,3-2,6) Na2O*Al2O3*(3,0-3,5) SiO2*(60-80) H2O. The distribution of pores by surface area and size was determined by low-temperature nitrogen desorption in an automatic adsorboment "ASAB 2010". Sedimentation analysis was performed in various dispersion media in water and water-glycerin mixture using the Oden method. X-ray phase analysis (CoKa radiation) was performed on a DRON-4 diffractometer with a cobalt X-ray tube. The PDF-2 database of the International Diffraction Data Center (JCPDS, 1999) was used to analyze diffractograms. The parameters of the porous structure of the samples were determined by low-temperature nitrogen desorption on a Quanchrome NOVA analyzer (USA). The aim of the work is the synthesis of highly dispersed mesoporous aluminosilicates based on kaolin

Keywords: kaolin, NaX aluminosilicate, crystallization, Karnab ota kaolin