12.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 12

Hamidova Muhaiyokhan Obidovna

Abstract. Sh. Kholmirzayev is one of the creators who conducted new methodological research in the colorful genres of contemporary Uzbek prose. Consequently, it is possible to see unique methodological researches in Sh. Kholmirzayev's novels, short stories, stories and even journalistic articles, and to identify his unique style in contemporary Uzbek prose. How the unique spiritual world of the heroes of Sh. Kholmirzayev's works is artistically interpreted, the series of artistic lines defining the spiritual image of the hero is analyzed, the tendency of the writer to describe certain aspects of life is determined, and finally, universal and national-spiritual through the writer's heroes The artistic criteria of transferring values to the reader's consciousness are clarified in the novel "Kil koprik". This article explores the artist's artistic skill and unique artistic style

Keywords: great writer, trend, characters' outlooks, artistic analysis, open layer, hidden layer, artistic image, artistic intention, creative process, language of work, work, national traditions, real person, artistic fabric, writer fantasy, the inner world of the hero, artistry, artistic skill, individual style, artistic visual tools, character, the spiritual world of the hero