09.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 12

Turaeva Nazira Yuldashevna

Abstract. According to the modern concept, pathological processes are realized on cell membranes, causing a violation of the structural and functional organization, up to complete destruction. The use of glucocorticoid and cytotoxic therapy in combination with heparin does not guarantee success and lead to complications, especially in children. Consequently, the search for drugs that remove the toxic effects of immunosuppressive therapy continues to be an urgent medical and social problem. What was the reason to study the features of antioxidant therapy in order to optimize the pathogenetic treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis in children? The advantage of therapy with the inclusion of actovegin antioxidant was that parallel to the normalization of malondialdehyde and lysophosphatidylcholine, the other cell membrane fractions increased, apparently due to the ability of aktovegin to reduce the activity of phospholipases. The conducted research will allow to review the tactics of treatment of nephropathy in accordance with the obtained research results, to include in the complex therapy a step-by-step correction of membrane destabilization with Actovegin. In addition, pathogenetic therapy for glomerulonephritis is fraught with complications, ultimately associated with a violation of cellular stability and requires corrective antioxidant therapy

Keywords: glomerulonephritis, nephrotic form, antioxidant therapy