07.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 12

R.A. Asanov

Abstract. The article discusses the peculiarities of genre uniqueness in literature, asking some interesting questions regarding not only genres of literature, but also the question regarding the usefulness of literature. Genre uniqueness in literature is manifested in the variety and uniqueness of genre forms that exist in literary creation. Literature offers a wide range of genres including novels, short stories, poems, dramas, essays, biographies, and more. Each genre has its own peculiarities and requirements that determine its structure and content. Features of genre uniqueness in literature may include experimentation with genre boundaries, polyphony, innovations in style and language, social and political reflection, and the author's individual style. Some authors attempt to blend or reinterpret traditional genres, creating new forms of literature. Literature can reflect the social and political realities of its time. It can be used to criticize social norms, express political ideals, or explore complex social issues. Each author has his or her own unique writing style that distinguishes his or her works from others. This may be due to the choice of vocabulary, rhythm, use of metaphors and other literary techniques. This article will be of interest to those who are interested in literature and those who lecture on literature.

Keywords: prose, poetry, detective, fantasy, drama, comedy, utopia, dystopia, ancient literature, classic literature, modern literature, self-development