30.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 11

Hamidova Muhaiyokhan Obidovna

Abstract. The place of fiction in our society is incomparable. A work of art is considered the main factor in the formation and enrichment of the human spiritual world. Especially in today's prose, the new outlook of man, the colors of the world of thought are reflected. In prose, the personality of the creator, his position in the world of creation, and his stylistic features are displayed with the fullness of the writer's skill. This article examines the issue of artistic intention and artistic form in the novel "Last Station" by writer Shukur Kholmirzayev

Keywords: artistic image, artistic intention, artistic form, artistic skill, creative path, creative process, experiences of the characters, content of the work, creative style, style and form, national traditions, real person, writer's fantasy, inner world of the hero, artistry, artistic skill, individual style, artistic means, character, spiritual world of the hero