01.12.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 11

Karimova Feruza Rakhmatbayevna

Abstract. The concept of "steroid-sensitive dermatoses" combines skin diseases sensitive to GCS therapy. The most common include atopic dermatitis (AtD), eczema, psoriasis, toxicoderma, lichen planus, contact allergic and irritant dermatitis, photodermatitis, cutaneous forms of lupus erythematosus. The term "allergodermatoses" means a formally isolated group of inflammatory diseases, in the development of which allergic reactions play an essential role. The frequency of allergodermatoses, according to statistics, increases annually, and mainly among people of young working age and represents a difficult problem, both in determining its causes and in choosing therapy. These diseases are characterized by a long, often recurrent course, genetic predisposition, immune-dependent mechanism of development, lack of specific therapy. Patients with steroid-sensitive dermatoses have pronounced cosmetic problems and a significant decrease in the quality of life. Treatment of dermatoses includes stopping the progression of the disease, achieving stabilization of the inflammatory process with the help of systemic or topical therapy. Despite the variety of etiological factors, mechanisms of development of these diseases, as well as huge clinical differences in localization, morphology of rashes, subjective complaints of the patient, the basis for the implementation of inflammation in the skin is a number of immunological changes. Approaches to the treatment of these diseases are determined by their etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of development and consist in carrying out elimination measures, the use of both systemic and external pharmacotherapy.

Keywords: steroid-sensitive dermatoses, allergodermatoses, atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, external therapy, goose fat