30.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 11

Ischenko Irina Viktorovna

Abstract. To this day, vaginal infections remain one of the most pressing problems. In recent years, there has been an increase in vaginal infections in many countries. Diseases with a vague clinical picture and a chronic course, caused, in most cases, by microbial associations, in which conditionally pathogenic microorganisms play a leading role, are becoming increasingly important in pathology. In this regard, in recent years, special attention has been drawn to various aspects of bacterial vaginosis, the frequency of which, according to various authors, is increasing annually [1, 2]. Among the inflammatory processes of the genital organs, infectious diseases of the vagina and cervix have acquired particular significance in recent years. The chronic course of inflammatory processes includes a decrease in colonization resistance of the vaginal and cervical environment, which is largely determined by the normal microflora of the genitals. Any epithelial cells react to changes in the hormonal environment surrounding them in a similar way, but none of them can compare with the epithelium of the vaginal vault and cervix in the speed and clarity of the reaction to hormones, primarily to sex steroids [7]. The microcenosis of the vagina is influenced by many factors, including sex hormones. The influence of progesterone, as a rule, inhibits the activity of bacterial microorganisms, and the moderate estrogenic influence activates metabolic processes in them and promotes their reproduction. This allows us to talk about hormone-sensitive and hormone-dependent infections (4]. Most of the studies on hormonal changes during inflammation of the genitals are devoted to diseases of the uterus and ovaries

Keywords: bacterial vaginosis, reproductive age, hormones, estradiol, progesterone