30.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 11

Kurbanbaev Kilichbek Azimovich

Abstract. This article emphasizes, unlike all other forms of activity, art is a reflection and expression of the inner world and essence of a person, taken in their integrity. In art, the creator creates a special world, but not in the way that nature creates. It is nothing but the highest form and manifestation of aesthetic consciousness, a necessary component of social consciousness, which provides it with integrity, mobility and at the same time stability in the current reality and directs it to the future, the future. Art is a multifaceted and diverse phenomenon of culture, divided into different types, each of which has its own means of expression, a special language, its own sign and symbolic systems

Keywords: art, beauty, imitation, globalization, scientific and technical, culture