18.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 11

Toshev Salimjon Nurboboevich

Abstract. Creativity is the driving force behind the fourth industrial civilization in the world today. If you look around, you will come across incomparable and amazing examples of human creativity everywhere: electronic services, virtual reality, square watermelons, harvesting without soil. All these are products of human imagination and thinking. Books, music, buildings, airplanes, and even lamps, which seem commonplace to us today, were once dreams and imaginations, and later they were created as a result of intelligence. Examples of creativity that began with the invention of the wheel are roaming the universe today. Innovations create conveniences in our daily life, lighten our burdens, and make our distances closer. In this way, creativity has become an integral part of development. There is a great demand for creative thinking professionals in all fields. Every day, experts from the world-famous software products and mobile phone manufacturers are asked for a new idea. As the demand for creative thinking professionals is increasing in the labor market, it is an urgent task to form and develop the unusual thinking ability of students in the educational process

Keywords: creativity, interactive simulation, visual communication, games that form creative thinking, visual expression, solving intellectual problems, solving scientific problems