13.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 11

Jalalova D.Z., Shernazarov Farrukh

Abstract. GON characterized progressive metabolic violated niyami in the ONH. Its development is based on apoptosis of GCS. Trigger factor this type of "programmed" cell death is an increase in IOP with subsequent development hypoxia, a decrease in the concentration in the cells neurotrophic factor of the brain and a local increase in con- concentration of glutamates [2]. GON is characterized by the absence of an acute onset and steady Among other links in the pathogenesis of GON, an important place is occupied by: thermal disorders, heat shock proteins, vascular pathology, mitochon- drial dysfunction, inflammation and immunity

Keywords: key factor V pathogenesis glaucoma is damage GKS (rice. 1).