13.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 11

Zhalalova D.Z., Shernazarov Farrukh

Abstract. The term "neuroprotection" came to ophthalmology from neurology. Neuroprotective therapy — Events, directed on prevent- rotation of the cascade of reactions leading to damage to neurons and caused by nyh, mainly, ischemia. We are talking about sequentially developing reactions, when in pathological process involves more and more new neurons, and surrounding the affected tissues stinging them themselves become a source of pathological influences. In this regard, neuroprotective treatment should be carried out in within the so-called "therapeutic window", when the defeat of the nervous fabrics more gone irreversible

Keywords: the pathogenesis of optic neuropathies is characterized by the appearance of cells of the network chatki, which are in a state of parabiosis (from the Greek para - next to, around and bios - life)