13.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 11

Zhalalova D.Z., Aliev M.A., Normatova N.M., Shernazarov F. F

Abstract. Along with the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, the problem of damage to the organ of vision as a result of uncompensated dyslipidemia remains relevant. With dyslipidemia, a systemic vascular lesion develops - endotheliosis. The bulbar conjunctiva and vessels of the eyeball have been sufficiently studied to date in almost all somatic conditions, including arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and metabolic syndrome [1]. Optic disc diseases can be divided into three main groups: inflammatory (neuritis, papillitis), vascular (optic nerve ischemia), and degenerative (optic nerve atrophy) [2]. Pathology of the optic nerve is characterized by variability of complaints and symptoms. According to researchers, in the period from 2018 to 2020, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy was more often diagnosed in people over 60 years of age [3; 4]. There is also an increase in the incidence, an increase in the number of young patients among the sick [4]. Visualization of the optic nerve head (OND) is informative for ascertaining changes in the nervous tissue and vascular bundle. Vascular and inflammatory pathologies of the optic disc during fundus ophthalmoscopy have a similar picture (edema of the optic disc and cotton wool-like edema of the retina around it; the presence of small hemorrhages in the form of stripes on the surface of the disc and in the peripapillary zone located in the layer of nerve fibers; possible formation of "soft exudate" on the surface of the optic disc) [1; 3; 4]. Macular edema should set the ophthalmologist to a multidisciplinary approach with additional laboratory studies to establish its etiology, which will determine the further tactics of patient management. So, in the presence of macular edema, it is necessary to exclude the presence of immunoinflammatory, infectious, oncological and metabolic diseases that can occur with the phenomena of vascular endotheliosis [5]. Therefore, it is not always possible to understand the etiology of the process, based only on ophthalmoscopy data. To verify the vascular or inflammatory lesions of the ONH, it is possible to use the index of peripheral blood, a marker of viral infections. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the viral etiology of the lesion leading to vascular endotheliosis.

Keywords: is to present a clinical analysis of the features of the course of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy against the background of a sluggish herpesvirus infection in a middle-aged patient.