09.11.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 11

Sadullayev Dilmurod

Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the content of employee motivation, innovative management, and different approaches to it in higher education. An analysis of the views of foreign and domestic scientists is presented. A description of the hierarchy of needs of the theories of A. Maslow and K. Alderfer is presented. In McClelland's theory, he distinguished three types of externalities similar to M. Weber's theory: power, wealth, prestige. The theories put forward by Maslow, McClelland, Herzberg, Victor Vroom, Porter and Lawler are covered in detail, as well as widely used theories of motivation in the field of management. The theory of D. Adams "Theory of Justice" was analyzed. According to him, if people evaluate the fairness of the results of their work in relation to others, then any injustice becomes a motivating state of the human mind.

Keywords: higher education, employees, motive, motivation, management, desire, Frederic Herzberg's "hygiene factors", A. Maslow's pyramid of needs, D. McGrego "Human Relations" school, "X" and "Y" theory, Dj. Adams theory of justice