30.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 10

Jo‘rayeva Zulayxo Shamshidinovna, Shavkatjonova Zebo, Ikromova Saodat

Abstract. Translation is vitally important for all languages in academic life like a language for the nation. So, several works have been done to contribute for the translating issues since still it has some problems to solve. The article includes some translational problems and it demonstrates solutions to those problems. Moreover, it illustrates some methods of translation in science of dictionary.

Keywords: text, translation, audio, sample, scientific popular method, experiment, computer, concept, press releases, news reports, scientific reports, instructions for use, instructions for use, descriptions of inventions, contracts, educational texts, art, literature, essays, biographies, novels, short stories, all of poetry forms.