23.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 10

Esanov Azizbek Shermamat ogli

Abstract. In this article, the most important research methods used in modern psycholinguistic research are analyzed separately, divided into two approaches, and an attempt is made to systematize all of them based on a specific classification. The approaches are interpreted as a) observation and b) experimental methods. Then, techniques and methods used in observational and experimental settings are taken to closer analysis and divided into certain groups to reach a meaningful classification. As part of the observation-based approach, the methods of observation and introspection (self-observation) are considered. It begins with an overview of behavioural methods and then discusses neurophysiological methods. The behavioural methods are analyzed in the division of spoken and written language input/output. The neurophysiological methods involve measuring the patterns of blood flow and electrical activity in the brain while a participant is carrying out a language task. These methods are further classified as traditional and high-tech methods. The traditional methods include post-mortem examination and electrical stimulation during brain surgery, while the high-tech methods involve the use of imaging techniques. Finally, the most recent methods – computational methods are also taken to a brief analysis to establish an elaborate, if not a complete, classification.

Keywords: psycholinguistics, research methods, classification, observation, introspection, experiment, behavioural techniques, neurophysiological techniques, computational methods