23.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 10

Nuriddinova Maftuna Faxritdinovna

Abstract. The use of language for particular function comes under the definition of communication. The function may be requesting, apologizing, complaining and so on. Language functions are used within certain social contexts. A person can choose articular function to express his/her intent with the help of various language exponents while addressing the addressees. A sound knowledge of language functions according to particular social context is needed for effective communication including the knowledge of target language forms and meanings. Besides this, negotiation of meaning is also needed to use appropriate language functions within a particular situation. This article overviews scholarship in functional linguistics, and focuses on constituency, a specific problem which has attracted significant attention from functionalists. It examines constituency from the perspective of a natural outgrowth of functionalism in linguistics, namely a concern with the function of grammar in its ecological habitat, conversational interaction. Functional approaches to patterning in language, then, have recently shifted the focus away from synchrony to diachrony and grammaticization.

Keywords: Language, evolution, vocal organs, brain, thought, organization of words, human functions, gift of speech