21.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 10

Аbdurashidov Abdulaziz Baxtiyorovich, Yuldashev Nasirdjan Muxamedjanovich, Sertaev Muxametamin Mametjanovich

Abstract. The Article describes the results of field research conducted in April–October 2021 in the Fergana Valley which Weevils (Curculionidae) were studied. Beetle collections were carried out in six districts of the Fergana Valley that are Izbascan, Asaka, Shahrikhan, Chust, Pap, and Mingbulak districts. Insects were caught with nets and shovels and knives were used to collect insects living in the soil and under tree barks. Devices were also used to capture beetles. Tweezers and magnifying glasses were used to dissect and examine insects. The beetles caught in the field were stored in test tubes and jars. A total of 1381 specimens of weevil beetles were collected. Currently, this collection is stored in the NUU Museum. In the Fergana Valley Otiorhynchus ovatus, Otiorhynchus velutinus, Sibinia Subirrorata, Arthonomus pomorum, Tychius Polylineatus, Notaris Acridilus, Sibina Pusilla, Sibinia Zuberi, Sibinia Primita, Sibiba Taschkentica, and other species were found. The article provides a general description of weevils and primary information on the species composition and morphological features of the identified species. For each species, the place and dates of their discovery are given. A conclusion is made about the need to conduct similar studies in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: insects, beetles, weevils, rostrum, Fergana Valley.