10.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 10

Rano Nuraliyeva, Shernazarov Farrukh

Abstract. The effects of glucocorticosteroids in the respiratory tract and their systemic effects depend more on the inhalation device used. Given that inflammatory and remodeling processes occur in all parts of the respiratory tract, including distal parts and peripheral bronchioles, regardless of the state of bronchial permeability and compliance with requirements, the optimal method of drug delivery to the lungs the question arises. The preferred particle size of the inhaled drug, which ensures uniform distribution in large and distal bronchi, is 1.0-5.0 μm for adults and 1.1-3.0 μm for children.

Keywords: pharmacodynamics of antileukotriene drugs in children, mechanism of action, instructions for use.