10.10.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 10

Dilafruz Akhmedova Husan kizi

Abstract. In ancient history, letters had a great role in the exchange of information between countries and the transmission of information. In this article, the following types are studied in the field of diplomacy studying official documents: working with letters (epistolography), historical correspondence and their types. In particular, sources in the direction of epistolography[1] serve to enrich the reality in historical works in terms of content and facts. This direction of the source contributes to the development of such fields as diplomacy, paleography, sphragistics, and we can know that they relied on their achievements.

Keywords: epistolography, archive, letter, khanates of Central Asia, intitulation, invocation, international correspondence, protocol, eskhotokol, divanbegi, kushbegi