22.09.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 9

Hashimov Farkhod Hakimovich, Akhmedov Salahiddin Islamovich, Rasulov Ilhom Makhmudovich

Abstract. The decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the establishment of the Plant Quarantine and Protection Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the “Roadmap” for the development of the field of plant quarantine and protection in 2021-2024, the organizational structure of the plant quarantine and protection agency and its central apparatus, Plant Quarantine of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and protection agency structure, model structure of plant quarantine and protection departments of regions Tashkent city plant quarantine and protection department structure, based on the model structure of district (city) plant quarantine and protection departments named after Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University, Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Food Safety, Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Protection will provide explanations on identification of plant quarantine pests during training of 2nd and 3rd level students

Keywords: Control, area, risk, object, virology, helminthology, plant member, method, quarantine, expertise, nematode, microscope