28.07.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 7

Xurramova Shahriniso Qaxramon qizi

Abstract. The article outlines practising words through classroom vocabulary games and exercises in Modern English language teaching methods. The main goals and objectives of the article are formulated. Based on the observation, the students’ still have lack of vocabulary. The relevance of the issue under consideration is indicated. There are various teaching methods have been offered by the experts, one of them is through of word games and tasks. Word games are mostly used as it can appeal to young learners English. Therefore, this paper explores how word games can be used to practise students’ vocabulary Mastery at primary school level. The study shows that one way to practise activity, creativity, imagination and group work skills along with academic achievement is to integrate fact and fiction, and a playful learning environment in teaching, studying and learning.

Keywords: word game, young learners, practical challenges, practical implication, game activities, word association, vocabulary pictionary, vocabulary hangman