30.06.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 6

Yusupova Janar, Choponov Otajon, Allayarov Shohzodbek

Abstract. Currently, many prize-winning programming competitions are organized by companies known for the production of programs in the world. In particular, world programming competitions under the names of ACM ICPC[1], Google codejam[2], Facebook hacker cup[3] and Yandex Algorithm are traditionally held every year. The main purpose of programming competitions is to select strong programmers and provide them with jobs. These competitions are a type of mental sport ("mind sport"), in which it is necessary to quickly and error-free program the given algorithmic problems in C, C++, Java, Python and other programming languages. The International Team Programming Competition, also known as the ICPC, is an annual multi-level programming competition held among universities around the world. The ICPC runs regional competitions spanning six continents, culminating in the global World Finals each year. More than 60,000 students from 3,514 universities in 115 countries of the world participated in this competition in 2021

Keywords: online referee, program, programming learning, online platforms, ACM ICPC