12.06.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 6

Rasulova Nilufar, Shorustamova Makhira

Abstract. A healthy lifestyle, like science, has not become a fashionable one-day thing, but has firmly established itself in the general education system of our country. Although it is not taught as a separate subject and has not found its place in the database of compulsory school subjects, a healthy lifestyle somehow manifests itself in such courses as natural history, biology, ecology, and even local history. Standards of living and health are today considered as the most important conditions for humanitarian progress and its criteria. This approach makes us consider a healthy lifestyle as a complex dynamic system characterized by family, household, social, labor and communicative activities. The harmonization of the system depends on the harmony of its subjects.

Keywords: living standards, health, ecology, healthy lifestyle, valeology