09.06.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 6

Khaydarov M.M., Begnaeva M.U.

Abstract. Burn shock is a pathological condition that occurs in response to significant burns of the skin, mucous membranes, underlying tissues and leads to severe disorders in the body of the burned person, to the formation of a critical condition. One of the most important measures for burn disease in order to prevent burn shock and the consequences of this condition is the regulation and proper comprehensive anti-shock treatment, which is important for the speedy recovery and recovery of patients in the early stages of therapy. The duration of burn shock depends on many reasons (firstly, on the severity of the burn injury, the timeliness of the start of adequate infusion therapy) and is at least 12 hours, which distinguishes burn shock from other types of shock.

Keywords: results, novocaine blockades, oxygen therapy