31.05.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series C. Volume 2 Issue 5

Hamidova Muhayyokhon Obidovna

Abstract. "Cruel realism" was subjectively interpreted in Uzbek literary studies in the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century. According to him, social realism demanded a sharp realistic image from the artist (in fact, this is a promotion of social realism). As a result, a work based on “smooth conflicts” was born in fiction. In this article, one of the leading representatives of modern Uzbek literature - Shukur Kholmirzaev’s novel "Make a bridge", drama "Black Belt" and "Essiz, Eshniyoz!" " Cruel realism" and writer's style are discussed on the example of the story.

Keywords: artistic thinking, national literature, development of national literature, creative laboratory of the creator, classic literature, folklore, scope of the subject, world of images, composition, artistic interpretation, “cruel realism”, poetic phenomenon, “enhancing the good and reducing the bad” hide method of description, artistic intention, realistic method