29.05.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 5

Zulkhumor Abdurasilovna Yavkacheva

Abstract. The article provides basic information about some methods of physical research, helping the students to study the laws of physics in-depth, and carry out laboratory work of ecological content. In addition, performing laboratory work plays an important role in students' polytechnic education and labor education. The correct organization and conduct of laboratory work in the general secondary education school in an ecological context is a reason for creating a creative situation and interest in physics classes to a large extent. It is necessary to organize laboratory work in an ecological context in such a way that they can independently analyze the results obtained during the educational experiment and find the causes of the incident. Carrying out laboratory work in the ecological content of physics provides an opportunity to deepen the knowledge of students and introduce them to the basis of various laws in nature. Environmental problems have arisen due to the depletion of natural resources and the problems of environmental pollution. imparting knowledge is one of the important problems of physics. One of the important tasks facing schools at the moment is to connect physics education with everyday life. Conducted scientific and research works, work experiences of advanced and creative physics teachers show that in the process of teaching physics, materials related to ecology are appropriate. to be able to use it, to better understand the laws of physics, to educate them in the spirit of respect for the nature of the country where they live, as well as to help them solve the problems of career guidance. At present, when private ownership of farms and private ownership is implemented in the management of agriculture in our country, one of the main factors that cause a positive change in the environment is the ability of students to apply theoretical knowledge acquired from each educational subject, especially physics. Therefore, an example of laboratory work with ecological content is shown so that every schoolchild can relate physics to ecology and apply it to agricultural production.

Keywords: physics, ecology, laboratory, nature, school, country, knowledge