30.04.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series D. Volume 2 Issue 4

Shodmonkulova Sitora Odiljon qizi, Xojamova Shaxina Xudoyberdi qizi, Sobitova Sarvinoz Mirziyod qizi, Azizova Noila Miralievna

Abstract. In this article we will discuss in detail the process of gluconeogenesis and its biochemical mechanism. gluconeogenesis refers to reactions in the mitochondria and cytosol that normalize blood glucose levels during fasting. the process of gluconeogenesis is controlled locally or centrally (insulin, glucagon and cortisol). the balance between stimulating and inhibiting hormones regulates the rate of gluconeogenesis. liver and kidneys are the organs that supply various tissues with circulating blood glucose. different tissues have many mechanisms to generate glucose during fasting to maintain sufficient energy levels for their proper functioning.

Keywords: glycogen, glycogenolysis, triglyceride, hepatocyte, alanine, mitochondria, cytosol.