13.04.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 4

Karshiboeva Dilfuza Burlievna, Yakhshilikova Nargiza Khudoyberdievna, Habibullaev Adhamjon Ubaydullaevich

Abstract. In this article it is emphasized at identifying the educational potential of creative teaching as the most effective means of communicative competence formation in the process of foreign language teaching. The study of the creativity problem has its own genesis. The nature of creativity was mentioned even in the works of ancient philosophers. As for the present, the concepts of “creativeness” and “creativity” have been studied and presented in the works of foreign researchers – T.M. Amabile (1), E. De Bono (2), J.P. Guilford (3), E.P. Torrance (4), etc., and Russian scientists – T.A. Barysheva and Y.A. Zhigalov (5), D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya (6), I.A. Zimnyaya (7), E.P. Ilyin (8) and others. At first the creativity problem was the object of psychologists’ close attention.

Keywords: international requirements, psychological-pedagogical literature, initial level, child development, pedagogical monitoring, speech initiative