12.04.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series A. Volume 2 Issue 4

Kudratillayev Meirbek, Yakhshiboyev Rustam

Abstract. Modern medicine is becoming more advanced thanks to the development of information technology, and revolutionary changes in the field of information technology and communication play an important role in this. Modern telemedicine is a medical field that uses information and communication technologies to remotely provide medical care to patients. This may include real-time consultations with doctors, transmission of medical data and test results, remote monitoring of patients' conditions, tele-diagnosis, electronic medical records, and much more. One of the advantages of modern telemedicine is the possibility of remote provision of medical care to patients in remote or inaccessible areas, as well as providing more convenient access to medical care for patients who are unable to visit a doctor in person. Modern technologies such as mobile applications, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are used to improve the quality of medical care and reduce the time spent on diagnosis and treatment. However, like any new technology, telemedicine has its limitations and raises questions related to data security and patient confidentiality. The article discusses telemedicine methods and its key features of remote consultation, monitoring, and diagnosis. Innovative solutions are proposed based on the studied methods of remote methods.

Keywords: Telemedicine, remote diagnostics, monitoring, observation, teleradiology, mobile applications, virtual consultation, medical records