08.04.2023 International Scientific Journal "Science and Innovation". Series B. Volume 2 Issue 4

Toshmatova Mukarram Jumanovna

Abstract. Purpose of the study: Due to the industrialization of teachers' social functions, the changing of the principles that characterize the preparedness to make decisions, the development of uniqueness and thinking style of modern teachers, the increasing requirements for the training of future teachers in the Pedagogical University, the need for meaningfulness of professional self-determination and mastery of professional. The essay identifies variables that develop primary school teachers' communication skill. Methodology: Monitoring communicative competence allowed the teacher to compare communication skills and abilities in the control and experimental groups. Results: The article defines the content and structure of the concept "professional competence of the teacher"; communicative competence is presented as a key component of the high professional level of primary education teachers; the analysis of the structure of communicative competence, including such components as communicative knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as three levels of formation of primary school teachers' communicative competence; the involve a lot

Keywords: education, formation, communicative competence, primary school teacher.